Bhutan lies at the southern slopes of the Eastern Himalayas and is known as the happiest country in the world.

Where is Bhutan?

Bhutan is a small independent country located between India and China.

The Tiger’s Nest

Bhutan is viewed as a model for worldwide proactive conservation initiatives.

The Bhutanese name for dragon is “druk”.

The Dragon King

The king of Bhutan is known as the Dragon King, and he is well loved and respected by the Bhutanese people. Centuries old monasteries and Buddhist temples attest to the spiritual culture, which is largely reflected in the peoples’ values and lifestyles.

Gross National Happiness

Success in Bhutan is measured by Gross National Happiness, which is determined by how well essential needs are met. The health and well-being of the citizens and the environment are priorities.  Bhutan maintains a minimum of 60% forested land in perpetuity as mandated in the country’s constitution. Its forested area is approximately 71%, and Bhutan is recognized as carbon negative.